Scammers False Escrow

Avoid the Scammers

Sadly, not all payment providers are what they appear to be. Whether you are buying or selling, always make sure your payment provider meets the standards below, so you can be certain that your money is 100% safe, and if buying, that you are guaranteed to achieve purchase satisfaction.

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The Transpact service covers the purchase/sale of all goods and services with no exclusions - we are unique. We also securely safeguard deposits.

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Amongst the scammer sites, there are many very convincing and believable but fake escrow or look-alike sites. These sites exist to part you from your money! The only way to distinguish is to check an official Government register, such as the UK Government's FCA and HMRC official online registers. Only believe the official online Government registers, and only use web addresses exactly as reported by these Government sites.

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Transpact is FCA Authorised and Regulated as a payment service provider. This means that we are audited, and checked by the UK Government's Financial Conduct Authority, and must meet rigorous standards of conduct and client safety.
Do not confuse our status with FCA Registered firms - FCA Registered firms do not have to be audited, and do not have to segregate client funds - which means that client money they hold may not be safe in the event of insolvency.
Client money held by FCA Authorised firms is segregated by law, and all segregated funds are protected and safe for clients by law in the case of insolvency.

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The address bar SSL security certificate stating Forward Ltd, together with a web address (not anything even similar), means that you are securely dealing with us, and no-one else can listen in.

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Many payment services lead you to believe you might be fully covered - and you only find out you were excluded by the small print when it is too late! Check the validity of their protection, and make sure it is unambiguous. Unclear = Unprotected.
There is no need to worry 'am I covered ?' with Transpact as YOU set the rules.

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Never trust emails. Anyone can create an email looking in every way like it came from someone else - these days it is impossible to distinguish. Equally, NEVER let any other party know your passwords.

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With Transpact it is YOU that decides when you are happy that the escrow conditions have been met, not someone else (unless there is a dispute - and then it is the referee that YOU appointed who decides).

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With Transpact if you are unhappy with how things turn out in your purchase/sale, you can enforce arbitration on the escrow terms YOU set with the referee YOU appointed.

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Your protection is only as good as the transaction conditions that YOU create.
So ensure that the escrow conditions you set and agree cover all possible eventualities unambiguously to your advantage.

Please note that the Payment Service Regulator's APP Fraud Reimbursement regulations do not apply to payments to or from Transpact, so it is imperative that you set and agree escrow conditions that fully protect your position. Once payment leaves Transpact, you no longer benefit from Transpact protection, so ensure that the escrow conditions you set and agree only allow payment to be made out of Transpact once you are fully satisfied and protected.

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Transpact will only pay money to the bank account that you paid money to Transpact from - money paid cannot go elsewhere under any circumstances.

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Transpact operates strictly fixed timescales set to minimise and eliminate delays to your payment.

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Unlike other services who take a percentage fee of the money they are safeguarding for you, Transpact just charges a small fixed fee - even for very large sums.


Learn more about Transpact's Security Features
Transpact Security