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Spring Clean 2025 - A Homepage Refresh

Tuesday, 4th March, 2025

Our top quality service together with our ultra-low prices mean that our conditional payment (a.k.a. escrow) service does not have a lot of competition - we dominate the market.

One result of this is that our well-functioning service doesn't need to change its marketing or branding frequently.

A downside to this has meant that our homepage has remained pretty-much unchanged for many years, making it look more and more dated.

We have finally got round to making our homepage responsive and fully mobile friendly (even though we handle many mobile transactions every day).

We hope you enjoy our refreshed homepage, and as always welcome comments and improvement suggestions.

Update: Have Payment Systems in the UK ground to a halt ?

Friday, 28th February, 2025

We set out in our previous blog posts that the introduction of the Payment System Regulator's (PSR's) APP fraud reimbursement regulations, starting from the 7th October 2024, have endangered the UK payments system.

We are happy to report that the UK payment system has not yet ground to a halt, and many payments are being made with only minor inconvenience - we are all being asked now to check that payments are not fraudulent, etc., etc.

However, a sizeable minority of genuine payments have left some consumers tearing their hair out as protective measure by banks have made these payments next to impossible to make, even though they are genuine safe payments - and the payments need to be made.

In the meantime, UK banks are bleeding hundreds of millions of pounds in APP reimbursement payments every year, ultimately to fraudsters.

We wait to see what the coming months will bring. And whether there will be an increasing wave of APP fraud reimbursement claims, and if so will these lead to banks making consumer payment more and more difficult.

PSR's Catastrophe - See no Evil, Hear no Evil - Part 2

Wednesday, 16th July, 2024

The UK's Payment Systems Regulator (PSR) is forcing banks to introduce significant friction when making a payment, to reduce APP fraud.
This will break the UK payments system from the new regulations' start date of 7th October 2024 !
APP fraud is at epidemic levels, and needs to be stopped. But not in this way.

See our blog post below where we set out that maybe for every fraudulent payment stopped by the PSR's actions, maybe ten or more genuine payments that urgently need to be made will also be prevented from being made or delayed. This will cause a catastrophic breakage in UK payments.

The PSR publicly consulted on the soon to be mandatory regulations, and you can see our contribution to the consultation in the blog post below this one.

The PSR have now published their response to that consultation - at
See in particular the PSR's response at points 5.20 and 5.21 (page 19 of the .pdf), where the PSR wrote:

5.20 We have considered whether the inclusion of data on the impact of non-automated interventions on the making of payments and any delays in payment as a result of any automated intervention is necessary for Pay.UK to effectively monitor compliance with the FPS reimbursement rules and the PSR with our FPS APP scams legal directions, and requirements.

5.21 We have in particular considered the proportionality of any such requirement. As the additional datapoints requested for inclusion do not relate to the monitoring of compliance with the FPS reimbursement rules, we consider it is appropriate to limit the datapoints that the sending PSP must retain and report to Pay.UK as the Faster Payments operator, to those we have set out. We consider that this is a proportionate and effective approach.
We therefore are not proposing any changes to the CDRS in response to this feedback.

If our understanding of this word salad is correct, the PSR are stating that they are not interested in monitoring nor learning if the UK payment system is breaking due to the PSR's new regulations. Instead, they will operate blind to any newly introduced payment delay, and to the magnitude of genuine payments which will now be impossible to make in the UK due to the new regulations.
All that is important to the PSR is that fraudulent payments are reimbursed. Genuine payments that are delayed or denied are clearly not important to the PSR.

It seems to us that the PSR are operating on a wing and a prayer, hoping that the friction they introduce will not cripple the UK payment system, but taking no interest in discovering whether their measures actually cause a payment breakage.

Given we are already seeing significant disruption in the making of some genuine payments even before the start date of the new PSR regulations, we fear for the future.

PSR's Catastrophe - See no Evil, Hear no Evil

Wednesday, 8th May, 2024

As we have noted below, the UK's Payment Systems Regulator (PSR) is breaking the UK payments system from the 7th October 2024 !

The PSR is forcing banks to introduce considerable friction when making a payment, to reduce APP fraud.
APP fraud is at epidemic levels, and needs to be stopped. But not in this way.

For every fraudulent payment stopped by the PSR's actions, maybe ten or more genuine payments that urgently need to be made will also be prevented from being made. This will cause a catastrophic breakage in UK payments.
Indeed, we have received multiple reports that the UK payment system is already breaking as the banks gear up for the change - though things are only going to get far worse.

The PSR have acknowledged in writing the dangers of genuine payments being prevented in their previous consultations on the matter.
But the PSR have decided to ignore their own warning, and not monitor whether the UK payment system is breaking.

In their latest consultation, the PSR have decided to monitor APP fraud claims occurring, but not to monitor the friction caused and number of denied payments that will result from their new regulations.
So from 7th October coming, when the UK payment system breaks, the PSR will be blind to the fact, and unaware of what is occurring.

Here is our official response to the PRS's latest consultation, notifying the PSR of this lapse.
Based on past precedent, the PSR seem to be a juggernaut set on an unchangeable course, and we believe it unlikely the PSR will take note of our warning of their self-inflicted blindness:

Dear PSR,

We are responding to the PSR’s consultation CP24/3 - The FPS APP scams reimbursement requirement: compliance and monitoring -

The PSR’s APP reimbursement regulations, commencing on 7th October 2024, will break the UK payment system, because friction will be purposefully introduced into the making of payments in the UK. This friction will in a significant minority of cases lead to genuine non-fraudulent payments that need to be made becoming unviable. The friction that banks and PSPs will introduce to protect themselves in these cases will mean that the effort required by the payer to make the needed payment will not be viable.

As a result, a whole tranche of payments that are necessary in the UK will no longer be available to payers.

This introduction by the PSR will go against one of the PSR’s key roles - maintaining effective payment in the UK.

This is our strong and credible belief – and we may be wrong or we may be right.

But given the seriousness of the risks being introduced (which the PSR has acknowledged in its written consultations), it is imperative that the PSR monitors and measures whether payments in the UK are becoming unviable. It is imperative that the ‘compliance data reporting standards’ detailed in Annex 1 to the consultation above are expanded to include (by each paying PSP/Bank) the following metrics:

  • Number of payments declined to be made by paying PSP
  • Value of payments declined to be made by paying PSP
  • Number of payments made by paying PSPs where non-automated intervention with payer was made prior to payment
  • Value of payments made by paying PSPs where non-automated intervention with payer was made prior to payment
  • Average delay in payments (in minutes) where non-automated intervention with payer is made prior to payment
  • Average delay in payment (in seconds) caused by automated intervention with payer prior to payment

Only by collecting the above information can the PSR know whether the UK payment system is indeed breaking down, or continuing to function well.
If the UK payment system begins to break as we fully expect, and the above data points are not collected, then the PSR will be blind to the catastrophe and have no means of being aware of the breakage of the UK payment system.
The PSR will believe that all is functioning well, when in fact the UK payment system will be broken.

This cannot be allowed to happen.

Best Regards,

Andrew Kaye

SRA's terrible reported treatment of Helen Coles in Axiom Ince scandal

Friday, 9th February, 2024

The Solicitor's Regulation Authority (SRA) has reportedly failed in its duties to protect clients of solicitors that it regulates.

In a case where a solicitor is reported to have stolen around £60 million of its clients' money, the Law Gazette (click here for article) reports that hundreds of thousands of pounds of Helen Coles' funds were paid into that solicitor's client account even when the SRA knew about serious issues at the firm, and had reportedly frozen funds from leaving that client account.

Solicitors in the UK are regulated either by the SRA or the BSB (Bar Standards Board).
For quirky historical reasons, BSB regulated solicitors are not allowed to hold client funds or client accounts, and so easy-to-use client-fund handling services have been developed by FCA authorised firms to allow those solicitors to protect and safeguard their clients' funds.

These services are available and are a boon for all solicitors (whether SRA or BSB regulated), and offer greater flexibility to solicitors. Because the FCA authorised firms deal in payments as a main business (whilst for solicitors client payment is purely an ancillary adjunct to their main business), the FCA authorised firms are able to eliminate money laundering through these payments - whereas solicitors have a reportedly terrible track record of money laundering hundreds of millions of pounds of client funds through their client accounts every year - supposedly being one of the world's main sources of money laundering. The FCA authorised firm's services also offer greater flexibility and potentially greater client protection.

So when law firm Axiom Ince's client account was frozen by the SRA, the SRA should have instructed Axiom Ince that any future incoming client account payments should be handled and safeguarded through one of the FCA authorised firms offering TPMA service to solicitors, and not through Axiom Ince's frozen client account.
These TPMA (Third Party Managed Account) payment services are what all BSB regulated solicitors use for client money handling, and are proven, are secure, and lower cost and less aggravation for a solicitor than running their own client account.

But instead, according to the news report, the SRA allowed Helen Coles' payment to be paid into the frozen client account of Axiom Ince, where it today remains under severe threat of being eaten up and lost.

We can see no excuse for this.

Date of Catastrophe for UK Payment System set by PSR - 7th October 2024

Monday, 8th January, 2024

Destruction of the UK Payment system - Part 3

Thursday, 19th October, 2023

Destruction of the UK Payment system - Part 2
Our response to the Payment Services Regulator's consultation on their soon to be introduced rules

Friday, 25th August, 2023

Destruction of the UK Payment system - Our response to the Payment Services Regulator's flawed proposals

Friday, 25th November, 2022

APP Scams in the UK - Know your Rights

Monday, 15th November, 2021

PayPal and Bitcoin - Too big to prevent Money Laundering

Friday, 23rd October, 2020

Our 10 Year Anniversary

Friday, 1st November, 2019

PSR - Payment Systems Regulator - and Push Payment Scams

Thursday, 1st March, 2018

Escrow companies authorised by the FCA must never be unclear or misleading

Thursday, 30th November, 2017 offers Best Payment API for
Online Marketplaces
Act now before PSD2 starts in Europe on 13th January 2018

Thursday, 28th June, 2017

Another Glowing Testimonial

Thursday, 18th May, 2017

Welcome to TrustMark - Government Endorsed Standards Body

Wednesday, 28th October, 2015

We've added a fee calculator

Monday, 7th June, 2015

Open Letter to BBC MoneyBox

Monday, 29th September, 2014 on BBC Radio 4.

Thursday, 3rd July, 2014

UPDATE 6 - Cyber Crime UK - It's so easy !

Sunday, 29th June, 2014

UPDATE 5 - Cyber Crime UK - It's so easy !

Tuesday, 24th June, 2014

UPDATE 4 - Cyber Crime UK - It's so easy !

Wednesday, 11th June, 2014

European Escrow Organisation letter to FINCEN (USA) -
A Money Launderers' and Terrorists' free-for-all if Escrow Unregulated

Tuesday, 10th June, 2014

UPDATE 3 - Cyber Crime UK - It's so easy !

Monday, 28th April, 2014

UPDATE 2 - Cyber Crime UK - It's so easy !

Friday, 25th April, 2014

UPDATE - Cyber Crime UK - It's so easy !

Sunday, 20th April, 2014

Cyber Crime UK - It's so easy !
Anatomy of a high-return cyber crime

Tuesday, 8th April, 2014

No Chargebacks !
Low Value Pricing (2.9%) Revolutionises Retailing

Thursday, 20th March, 2014

UKTI (UK Trade & Investment - a UK Government Agency) now endorses use of FCA authorised escrow services:
Article: How to clinch overseas sales (and also get paid)

Monday, 20th January, 2014

Mike Freer MP, our Local Member of Parliament, Assists

Thursday, 20th June, 2013 service model copied by
Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.

Friday, 5th April , 2013, world's leading domain escrow service ?

Friday, 21st December, 2012

Another BBC Apology ?

Thursday, 15th November, 2012

The world leader in art markets partners with

Thursday, 9th February, 2012

Payment without delay across the EU

Monday, 9th January, 2012

Welcome AutoTrader -'s latest website partner

Tuesday, 13th December, 2011

The Metropolitan Police recommend use of FSA Authorised escrow providers

Monday, 7th November, 2011

Why we raised our Prices for large payments

Tuesday, 4th October, 2011

MRI machines to Stethoscopes -

Friday, 9th September, 2011

FSA Registration offers little or no comfort

Monday, 8th August, 2011

More Websites use's API to integrate Escrow services into their websites

Monday, 11th July, 2011

Fraudster's access to Debit Card Details -
BBC gets it terribly wrong again !

Thursday, 16th June, 2011

HM Treasury replies Again

Monday, 6th June, 2011

HM Treasury replies

Wednesday, 4th May, 2011


Monday, 4th April, 2011

Government-linked Organisations getting it wrong ?
Bank / Credit Card Details Disclosure

Tuesday, 8th March, 2011

Response from HM Treasury ?

Friday, 4th February, 2011

An open letter to the Financial Secretary to the Treasury

Monday, 3rd January, 2011


Wednesday, 1st December, 2010

When should you use Transpact - Section 75 of the CCA

Friday, 22nd October, 2010

Partner Websites

Monday, 12th September, 2010

The Guardian

Friday, 23rd July, 2010

Exceptional Protection

Tuesday, 6th July, 2010

Tenancy Deposits - Is yours an Assured Shorthold Tenancy ?

Wednesday, 2nd June, 2010

Redsky Design - Web Designers Extraordinaire

Thursday, 22nd April, 2010

First Transpact blog

Monday, 19th April, 2010